Tuesday 20 December 2011

Its been really long since I've blogged! Sorry peeps.. I'm kinda busy these days! Ouhkayy I have no idea where do I begin my blog.. Lets start with holidays...  I went to Thailand.. (: Phuket- Krabi.. It was fun. :D I really had fun. Then after we came back, we went to Genting.. There i met babyy.. he came all the way up just to see me :D <3 shweeett kan?? ILoveHimBeyondUltimateInfinity. baby i curi your dialogue for once kay ?? (: bagi chance lar..

Then after Holidays,Dad said no more holidays, you better follow me to work already.. we need your help on the admin and accounts side.. i was like am i getting paid? he said nope work for free.. then he said he'll pay me and of the month (: i asked how much he dont want to tel. its kay lar appa only, im sure he'll pay me enough.. well he better or else i'll sack him as my dad :PP
Eula is working withh me in my dad's office. so not boring lar. at the same time i am studying my ADD MATHS. i dont want to rust in it! i know if i dont go through i'll rust.. sooo yeahh i justt selak selak.. do few question at the same time online. Now i feel like blooging  so here i am blogging..
And And this is eula!! ((:

Mum and babyy are getting very very close which is good and easier for me to later tell amma he is my Boyfriend. im sure she'll freak out but she'll accept cause the whole idea about he being close with amma is we want amma to like him as my friend first then it'll be easier for her to accept him as her son-in-law! (:
amma interviewed him what house works he know how to do and what he dont know how to do.. amma said those who is getting married to him is luckyy ((: in a way she's telling that im LUCKYY ((:

i guess thats it for today! bloog soon ((: <3

Friday 4 November 2011


i just felt like blogging this! (:

last night i was talking to him! then he asked what was i doing! i said lar folding cloth then i was grumping i dont know how to fold cloths! he said learn later i have to fold cloths for him! i siad if i have to do it for you im not gonaa learn unless you help! then he said we divide our job! (
Washing- HIM
Sweeping- ME
Dishes- OWN Dishes
Car- Small Argument! not yet decide! :P
hahaha.. LoL. feel like telling this to mom but too bad she doesn know about us yet so i'll tell once i try to convince her (:.. 

IOI Havoc

Ohmygoshh.. Today plan was suppose to be eight then got expended to SIXTEEN of us.. Hahahah. Scary right. We all jump at McD then shalini,agalya and mohanesh ate burger. Suhanyaa and regiena Makan-Ed ice cream! I lazy to eat not hungry pun!so I just kutip french fries and eat with them.after settled with eating we went to bowling.. Honestly I am so emberessed I don't know how to bowl.. When I say I don't want play they all stare at me. I know they will merajuk so I aso play lar. I was getting zero zero zero ny for almost five or six rounds.. Suddenly ny I strike. WOW I was like eh I thought I can't play.. Then leave lar. Again went back to zero. Then again out of no where. Simply campak the bal I STRIKED AGAIN!! Wtf??

After game finish. Hungry like hell... Went out saw DHIVA and Santhiyah!
They both goyang tangan coming late! then asked them eat ady a not? Dhiva not yet eat! me and dhiva go to the shop near the theatre. bought food. makan there dy... suddenly one mangaa said not coming.. called and asked gt ticket uh? Daniel lar! who else! donkey! i said got extra 3 people now. must go buy! he said buy for him sekali! ishhh! then since he alone sesat in the gang cause from other school! i ask him sit beside me! haha. enter abit late.l. did a lil havoc.. made some noise. cheered like karat people when surya appears. when shruti all the guys in our geng shouted.. one of them heermand. shouted.. " Deyhh Macha, yen anjale da ave!"
LoL... all the people started staring at us! then we all stop a while! then all made fun when the movie was going on! Had a really great time with all of them..

then later half way watching movie time! sasi aneh called.. im in ioi now where are you! then i said in movie lar. after movie finish he ask to call! fine lar. after movie i called him. lepak with him and his friend kejap like 10 to 15 mins. kacau him puas puas then i chiow ady! (:

then then slowly one by one went back! then left me,john,simun,tharma,mohanesh, and yehga!
they all waited for me to go then they went back! :D sweet kan??

some picha are here

Monday 31 October 2011

The Answer To Your Question

Why I love you??

1.the way you talk
2. the way u care
3.your advises
4.shuka disturb me with our 'Accounts'
5.i know you'll like when i say this you're HOT (:
6. the main thing is ILoveYouu!

Sunday 30 October 2011

i seriously dont know what to blog. i know i've been missing for a very very very long time.. kinda busy with exams. and i was studying. those who think this is fake i really dont give a fuck cause i know i've been studying (:

Deepavali done. now back to exams then accounts folio then lepak .. Mommy said do anything after your exam but remember SPM next year.. Ouhhh shitt. Im SEVENTEEN. getting old fast mann. LoL
Thursday planning go movie. god please save me by having at least 10 tickets for the movie!

daniel ( Maybe) ]:
Lagi siapa siapa mahu join tell me tahu! :PP

i ran outta ideas dy to blog. will  get backk soon!


Baby Dont Break My Heart

Saturday 1 October 2011

Icanttakethispain anymore.

Parents are such big trouble for. You people keep big hope for me and then when I don't do it you guys put the whole blame on me.. The only thing you all want to see me do is be with my books. Can u all pls tell me how long can a sixteen year old b e with a book?? I can't be sitting with the book the whole day.. The moment I sit in front the tv u chase me. When u go out u lock your room door and don't want me to touch the conputer.u bring the iPad along with u everywhere you go. U think I am a machine that only know how to read books izzit?
I'm also a human being who needs that also okay?

I just can't take it. That's the moment other stuff wil pop into my mind and make me burst into tears and hate my life. Honestly I wish I never was horned to this world. All I do is hurt people. I try my best not to hrt them but I seem to hurt them. Why is this always happening to me? If this goes on I really wish and hope I dint stay alive.. Or someone just stabs me to death. That sthe best. In that way I don't hurt people and people. Don't hurt me.
I really don't know what to do. I really need some one to talk to me. I wish I an talk to him now. But I know he's busy and he said he got stuff to think. I think I'm not gonna burden him by telling him all this.

I just wanna die. I don't wanna live. People says that it's a challenge in life. But this is just over the extend and I can't bare this anymore!!!

Friday 30 September 2011

i dunno what to blog

im very shure this blog is gonna be dead drop boring so guys please dont be mad at me or what.. im sorry..
where shall i start..

this one whole week i didnt go school! Everyone misses me.. Shalini,John,Shandy,Parmeila&&Dhiva who else ahh miss me?? angat tangan :P
LoL.. im insane now.. just tryingg to be normal eventhough i know its not working.. so yeah leave it! i collected my num ady frm DiGi.. its working finally, the thing is that i got no phone!! isssshhh.. i hope i'll get a phone soon!! i really do needa a phone. wanna get back into the dam midnightcallers group! 1 week dy i nvr talk with all of them.. missed them liike shitt u know...
i unno what else to blog dy. plus i  got mood at all to blog.. i'll blogg as ussual soon!till then bye bye! (:

Midnight callers!!

 well that is the photo edited by dinesh.. this group started after i started calling evryone after 12am and disturbing their sleep till 3 or 4 am.. this actually started for fun till it turned into a routine.. i first stared it with Mr Dinesh..
This is dinesh.. 16. craps alot.. sometimes iratatingg.. but awsome.. ryte dinesh?? im gona write short only soo yeah..
Next this is Regiena.. My school. 16. bestiie/ sisters..
we hang out alot ant each others house than in school.. and she joined in after Dineshh..
MY BROTHERR (jonathan).. sometimes he gets into my nerve. but yeahh i gotta agree i love him!!!
this is keshvar!!! he really friendly... kenal 1 hari jer.. then we craped allott ryte?? next next

this guys is DANIEL.. C.U.T.E aite?? my friend.. met him in form one.. then we wont talk..now start talkingg liike soo muchh dy.. miss hangging out with.. but now i m hanging on the phone with him!!!

that is viknesh.. handsome kan?? yeah.. last year same class. then this year split clas. he and rgie same class. he aso join in the conference but not that often!! ((:

Finally.. itsss herrr turn.. this is suhanya, 16... got to know her through my brother. crappy.. friendlyy and most importantly.. HYPER!!!!!

Btw all of us are SIXTEEN. we rule the DiGi Network at the moment.. and they are running on lose because of this group!!

Thursday 29 September 2011

new bloggie!

my old one as been removed.. well not actually removed but i just kinda dont wanna use it nymore.. even if i do it gonna be private for sometym.. i just dont wanna have trouble.. so i'll just re-blog.. i want my first blog to be bout these few peoples..

i am stressing something really really important here.. i just wanna let you'll know when i blog with hatred o anger it means im only in that feeling for the next 1 or 2 hours. so i would prefer if you humans who read my blog dont terasa and ask me. coz i wont be in the same mood.. i learnt to forget some events and past and continue.. and i wanna continue doing it.. i  hope you readers understand! (: